We believe there are no dumb questions
Except the ones down below

Who are we?

A bunch of unemployed undergraduates with nothing better to do during the pandemic.

What is UnderRad?

"The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world" - The G-man

Science can be an overwhelming and intimidating field. It is often seen as a subject reserved for the elite few intellectuals. UnderRad is a project that aims to change that. We're a blog that brings the experiences of people working in research to the common man. But UnderRad is more than just a blog. It is a bridge that aims to connect high school students to advanced research in labs around the world. It is a lubricant to the hinges of doors of research lab whose science is "beyond the scope of this textbook". It's a virtual cafe, where two people can simply sit and discuss quantum physics over a cup of coffee.

What is our goal?

"If a student is fascinated by a topic, he probably cannot understand it" - some old professor

Major research is often printed in papers which have fancy titles that are still beyond the scope of the undergraduate/high school student. Our goal is to simplify such research, told directly from the point of view of people who understand it well. As Albert Einstein said, if you cannot explain it to a 6 year old, you don't know it yourself. The dream of UnderRad is to ensure that people go into fields for which they truly have an aptitude. If people entering a research field are truly interested in that science, it would improve the overall quality of scientific research around the world.

Who can write a blog?

Anyone! As long as you have experience working in some research lab (even if it's as small as a summer project), your passion for that subject suffices as qualification to blog about it. An experience is an experience, irrespective of the results of the project. Failures are always acceptable, unless of course, it's in an academy course test. : )

What should a blog be about?

Try to talk about the science behind your project, the skills necessary to work in that field and your overall experience in a lab, in as simple a manner as possible. Remember that your audience includes high school students and undergraduates who are just starting out. We don't want to scare kids away from our field, do we?

Does Data science, simulations and computing work count as research?

Of course! I'd be out of a job otherwise.

How long should a blog be?

Well, as long as it needs to be to keep it as simple as possible. Every branch of science requires a different approach, and we respect your creative license. There's no word limit. You can go all out, as long as you remember to restrain yourself.

How do I submit blogs?

You can mail your articles to teamunderrad@gmail.com. Our team of super dumb moderators will go through them, and if they can understand it, congrats! You've probably just changed someone's life! (hallelujah)

If your questions weren't answered above, feel free to contact us.

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